Sunday, May 31, 2009

R.S.V.P. for 1st @smchsv meetup
@djdangerpants not sure what you are talking about ~ did we miss something
@fring It's nottttttttttttttttt :|

Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome @gabek to the Channel Omaha family ~ come check out what he has to say ~ Got something to say? ~ come say it @
1st Social Media Club Huntsville @smchsv meeting set for June 28th @ Catina Laredo ~ seating limited R.S.V.P.
We will be launching the advertising system on Sunday! ~ stay tuned for giveaways ALL DAY
Loaded the Disqus comment system onto today :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Anybody know how to get this facebook connect button to show up and work in IE

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Completed T-shirt design for FraserNet 2009 PowerNetworking Conference
Working on T-shirt design for FraserNet 2009 ~ will post the designs when they are finished!
What up with this bottom fall out 20 mins ~ Sunshine 20 mins ~ over and over again
@JeffClark Hey Jeff would like to get permission use one of your Obama word portraits as a tshirt fundraiser ~ lets connect.
Social Media Club Huntsville @smchsv is in development stages and looking for officers.
Social Media Club Huntsville @smchsv is development stages and looking for officers.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thanks for all the Follow Friday love ~ Currently working on how to build our global network with out using Twitter ~ feel free to ask why
RT @jstanley54: #FollowFriday @powerpoole @danielleashanti @jofrix @CoachKfromLA @hjumper @tweet2travel
RT @jstanley54: #FollowFriday @powerpoole @danielleashanti @jofrix @CoachKfromLA @hjumper @tweet2travel
RT @sherriseay: Followfriday#@carolmurphy,@AshanteR,@powerpoole,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I came across this video after my chat with support about twitter time out WHAT A REVELATION
just had conversation w/ support bout "giving speeding tickets with no speed limit sign" policy Seriously thinking about ditching Twitter
@traceylewis LMBO ~ I had 2 go 2 your timeline & c what n the world u were talking about ~ I follow u now ~ How do you know about Tha Ville
@traceylewis No prob ~ what were you in AL for anyway :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Unfollowing people who are not following today :) Sorry (not really)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

(May loose some follows over this one but WTH) EXCITED about Michael Vick's early release
(Daughter arguing w/Son) Son ~ he said she was Daughter ~ U can't believe him cause he lies on himself ~ ROTFLMBO

Monday, May 18, 2009

emailin (CEO) because sprint doesnt nclude modem as phone n simple everything plan ~ sprint = liars ~ not 2 mention service
@daz222 tons of people tweet way more than me even with auto RT on
@daz222 something else ~ # of follows mean diff ratio of tweets ~ so 1 person doesn't dominate any timeline due 2 tweets from more people
@daz222 As I mentioned it is automatic ~ actually some testing that we r doing ~ you sound like you have a lot of time on your hands :)
@mandiengram We are always open but they are both using the NING platform ~ We are going in a slightly different direction
@zachleat We understand ~ sometimes catching a vision takes more than just sight ~ Thanks for the dialog and suggestions :)
Back from florida ~ Command center back online ~ Mr. Sulu I have the com :)
@mandiengram @channelcolumbia when it is finished will mirror to some extent but it will be columbia specific
@zachleat CBS not local 2 Omaha but they work with locals 2 make it "relevant" ~ do u not watch the evening news on local channels either?
@zachleat We ARE trying to start something positive for the Omaha area ~ would you like to help?
@LMHill if you already have sent that info disregard as we are still sifting through a emails ~ we will be intouch sooon ;)
@LMHill sorry was on a much needed vacation :) Please follow directions on our blogging page (link we sent)
@Amy_at_MCGJazz still n heavy development 4 the final site but winning & waiting a few weeks or so to have a yr of ads is still good IMHO
@zachleat your welcome to help us build and generate positive motion ~ as we are all facing serious times ~ what you do you think?
@zachleat glad you ASKED ~ our corporate office is not in Omaha but we look to work with locals to build a community based site

Sunday, May 10, 2009

@vojha GREAT ~ CR is still in development but let me know if you are interested
@vojha sure just visit to get started guest blogging

Friday, May 8, 2009

4566 entries left n 5000 n 5 contest - I guess people will become believers when we actually give away 1 yr of ads ~ somebody WILL win :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

@faybiz GREAT we have several cities in NC on our radar we will get as close to Fayetteville as possible if you win :)
@LMHill Would you like to guest blog for our Dallas channel?
@GeorgiaAquarium would love to have GA as a sponsor on one or more of our channels
@miracleworld CD is part of a global network of social media channels ~ we will be launching CD this summer ~ Stay Tuned :)
@gwn Yes we CK is part of a global network of social media channels ~ we will be CK launching this summer
@TucsonKent We have launch dates scheduled through out the summer
5000 n 5 days contest! ~ 4831 slots left 2 follow&reply 2 @powerpoole your city 2 win 1yr of FREE ads on 1 channel of @ <a href=""></a>

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nxt 5000 2 follow & reply 2 @powerpoole with your city get a chance 2 win 1year of FREE ads on 1 channel of choice @ <a href=""></a>
@jruism We surely are :) ~ If you are interested in guest blogging please visit
@noahkoch We are in alpha our big grand Opening @ ~ Would you like a VIP pass to get a sneak peak? DM us :)
@noahkoch We are in alpha our big grand Opening @ ~ Would you like a VIP pass to get a sneak peak? DM us :)
300,000 products with your name on them
Just when you'd given up on finding a quality design firm ~

Monday, May 4, 2009

Had an incredible strategy meeting with Kenneth Anderson @mxlife ~ and lunch too :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

@IllPhaness Sure thing - u can DM them here & we will RT & once we get the site going we have cal of events and ad spots 4 more exposure
@garrick_s We apologize - we are still in heavy development. ~ Stay tuned here for updates

Friday, May 1, 2009

RT @triangletweetop Check out the #triangletweetup photo booth photos from @josh_hofer --> they're great!
@calpak Great are you interested in writing for CN?
@Boutiquing Thanks - we are pushing towards the end of this month ;)
RT rndspringer #namethatflu - New names 4 swine flu: "The Other White Flu" ~ "Flu- It's what's for dinner" or Miss Piggy's Revenge? :)
The manufactured (like anthrax) biological experiment ~ scare the public to sell more flu shots flu - #namethatflu
RT @TheHeathenMommy: The "Look-This-Way-While-the-Economy-Collapses Flu" #NameThatFlu
#namethatflu - The #followfriday flu - LOL
#namethatflu - "The I just said something I shouldn't have said flu" :{
#namethatflu "The same as every other flu" (just with an added touch of resistance to conventional immunization)
#namethatflu - The named after every animal but they claim you can't get it from eating it flu - e.g. birdflu swineflu madcowflu fishflu
@thewindypixel great- we run our feeds through flickr and gearing up for pic of the week contest - we will connect with details ;)
@MaggieDeininger GREAT do you have a flickr - we run our feeds through flickr for our sites
@sdamery :) actually we went in to alpha during April would you like a VIP pass
@thecropsie LOL - did you follow back - we only "ditch" those who don't follow back because ;)
Don't have time to really grow your Twitter account - let @powerpoole do it for you... Guaranteed results
What to reach a larger audience? @channelpoole is looking for guest bloggers and photographers -